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Certificate in University Teaching Portfolio

Table of Contents


The Curriculum Vitae (CV) in this section contains the following information: 


  • Education

  • Employment History

  • Leadership Activities

  • Certifications and Accreditations

  • Honors and Awards

  • Publications

  • Posters

  • Professional Presentations and Related Activities

  • Guest Lectures and Speaking Opportunities

  • Other Relevant Teaching Experiences

  • Professional Memberships and Organizations

  • Academic Interests

  • Relevant Completed Coursework (All Degrees)


This CV is also available as a PDF.


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Independent Mentored Teaching Experience and Teaching Assignments

The Independent Mentored Teaching Experience and Associated Teaching Assignments is an opportunity for Future Professoriate Program (FPP) participants to practice teaching skills. In this experience, students have the ability to be involved in enhanced instructional duties with faculty guidance and advising. Many participants fulfill this through a Teaching Assistantship (TA) with a professor's course or through an opportunity to provide an in-class lesson in the course. 


My experience, however, involved complete instructional control of the GNE 330/530 Professional Engineering Course with guidance from my Faculty Teaching Mentor, Dr. Gary Scott. This opportunity was provided to me through my work as a Joachim Assistant/Fellow sponsored by the Syracuse Pulp and Paper Foundation. The GNE 330/530 course is an undergraduate-level class in the Chemical Engineering Department Curriculum at SUNY-ESF.


In this Teaching Assignment, I was given the ability to transform the class over a period of nine semesters. I was able to experiment with a variety of assessment types, media and content creation and delivery, evaluations, adjustments, and course topics. With this, I was able to actively practice teaching skills and  Instructional Design, Development, and Evaluation (IDDE) techniques learned through the course of my participation in the FPP and in my Master of Science in Teaching and Curriculum Studies at Syracuse University. 


Further Information about the Independent Mentored Teaching Experience and the MS in Teaching and Curriculum can be found at the links below: 


Independent Mentored Teaching Experience 


Independent Mentored Teaching Experience Form for GNE 330/530 Teaching Experience Fall 2021


Reflections, Class Materials, and Student Evaluations for Independent Mentored Teaching Experience
(GNE 330/530 Fall 2021)


Master of Science in Teaching and Curriculum Portfolio


Summary of Master of Science in Teaching and Curriculum and Future Professoriate Program Experience

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Letter of Recommendation

Dr. Gary Scott,

Faculty Advisor and Mentor for Independent Teaching Experience

This Letter of Recommendation was written by my Faculty Advisor and Mentor for my Independent Teaching Experience, Dr. Gary Scott. 


Dr. Scott is a Professor in the Chemical Engineering Department at SUNY-ESF (formerly the Department of Paper and Bioprocess Engineering). He earned his Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering at University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1993. He joined SUNY-ESF as an Assistant Professor in 1998, became an Associate Professor in 2000, and a tenured Professor in 2005. 


Dr. Scott is the Listed Instructor of GNE 330/530 and the Advisor to Joachim Assistants and Fellows, a cohort of graduate students sponsored by the Syracuse Pulp and Paper Foundation. I became a Joachim Fellow and Assistant in Fall 2015 and have been working with Dr. Scott since Fall 2016 to teach the GNE 330/530 Course. He has been a guide and mentor for me throughout my development as an educator, researcher, and overall person, and I am honored to have a recommendation from him.


This Teaching Philosophy Statement is a reflection upon my experiences as both a student and an educator - particularly at SUNY-ESF and in the science and engineering fields - and how this has influenced my perspective on instruction and my teaching practices. 


Evidence of Classroom Planning,

Student Learning, and Evaluations

Information for this requirement exists in tandem with the Independent Mentored Teaching Experience. Throughout the reflection on my Independent Mentored Teaching Experience, documents are provided to demonstrate my preparation, implementation, and evaluation of the GNE 330/530 Professional Engineering Skills Course at SUNY-ESF over several semesters, as well as reflections on my work with the course. 


Evidence of Classroom Planning can include information such as Syllabi, Lesson Plans, Teaching Materials and Course Handouts, and Sample Assessments.


Samples of Student Work and Evidence of Learning can include information such as Graded Assignments and Assessments. Student Self-Assessments of Learning, such as Written Pieces and Pre-Course vs. Post-Course Surveys may also be included.


Student Evaluations can include Quotes from Student Evaluations and Projects with accompanying written reflections about the feedback.


Click Here to see Reflections, Class Materials, and Student Evaluations for GNE 330/530 Fall 2021 Semester (Linked to the Independent Mentored Teaching Experience Form)

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Letters of Recommendation

Students of the Chemical Engineering Department

These Letters of Recommendation were written by various undergraduate students in the Chemical Engineering Department at SUNY-ESF. These students were enrolled in my GNE 330/530 course, but also interacted with me through various activities in the Department - from attending conferences together to performing research with me to simply catching me in the hallway to ask for academic and life advice. I have had the pleasure and honor of being their educator and mentor for several semesters.


The students wrote these letters during my Spring 2022 semester at SUNY-ESF in which I strived to join the faculty at the college. Their efforts were unprompted, with some students even directly addressing search committee members without my knowing to provide favorable feedback for my skills and abilities as a teacher. Upon learning about this heartfelt gesture, I was very emotional and honored to see that my students thought so highly of me.


To me, it truly shows my growth as an instructor from clashing with students when I first began teaching many years ago to students now going out of their way to support me. 


I wanted to include these letters as an additional form of student feedback, but also, because they mean so much to me.

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